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Change the way you save on Eyecare 

Vision improvement plans that offer flexible and transparent pricing to fit any budget.

Eye care that works for you

We strive for transparency and simplicity in our plans. You can rest assured that you won't be taken off guard by surprise fees or co-pays at the time of your service.


We offer monthly subscription plans that are flexible and can fit any budget. Get started today for around the same cost as your favorite monthly streaming service.


Coverage you expect, with unexpected savings

Single Vision Exam + Glasses
Cost per month after yearly sign up fee: $10
Comprehensive Eye Exam
Dilation or Retinal Imaging Included
Glasses Prescription
VIP Frame and Single Vision Lens Benefits
Single Vision Contacts Addon
Cost per month after yearly sign up fee: $7.50
Contact Lens Follow- Ups and Prescription
Contact lens discounts
No up charge for astigmatism and No brand restriction
Must be bundled with Exam + Glasses
Multifocal Exam + Glasses
Cost per month after yearly sign up fee: $39
Comprehensive Eye Exam
Dilation or Retinal Imaging Included
Multifocal Glasses Prescription
VIP Frame and Premium Progressive Lens
Multifocal Contacts Addon
Cost per month after yearly sign up fee: $9.50
Contact Lens Follow- Ups and Prescription
Contact Lens Prescription
Contact lens discounts or allowance options click for details
Must be bundled with Multifocal+ Glasses

Don't See Your Provider?

  • When does my coverage begin?
    As soon as you subscribe and pay for your first month and set up fee! We notify the preferred location the same day. You can even subscribe and pay while in your optometrist office and begin your coverage!
  • Is there a copay or coinsurance?
    Not at all! As long as you get the services and materials outlined in your bundle, you should leave your optometrist’s office without paying anything but your subscription.
  • Is there a deductible?
    We are not an insurance! Just a monthly payment that includes everything listed in your selected subscription at your favorite eye doctors location!
  • Do you have an option for progressive wearers?
    Yes! Our Multifocal Exam+Glasses option is the bundle for you. It includes progressive, Varilux-X lenses as well as anti-reflective coating.
  • Why can't I use VIP at multiple locations?
    Part of Vision Improvement Plan’s goal is to increase the patient and doctor relationship. That’s why we have you pick one preferred location.
  • How do I cancel?
    If you have not used any of your benefits, you can email us as and we can get that taken care of for you. If you have used your benefits, in order to cancel, you have to pay for your remaining months and then we can cancel your subscription.
  • Will I get my money back if I do not use my benefits?
    No. When you sign up, you are committing to 12 months. If you cancel before using your benefits, we let you out of the contract with no additional fees, but you will not get a refund.
  • What if I don't need progressives?
    You can change your bundle at any time. Anything you had paid previously that no longer applies to your new bundle would be accounted to future payments or refunded.
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